The Current End of the World

Apparently the big fear Americans have these days concerning The Children is that their teachers will start talking about their own personal lives in class, and that all these teachers will be sinful disgusting sinners who do things like be gay, or single, or Democrats, or whatever bizarre monstrous figure these people have cooked up in their too-idle heads. I guess the imagined scenario is this: the teacher will start burbling about their love life, which will of course not consist of demurely holding hands in an ice cream shop after church, and the children will squirm uncomfortably, then suddenly become trans furries with tattoos, and they’ll go home and sass their god-fearing moms and dads, and then stab them all to death their their pink hair spikes, then go to the Big City and live in sin with big city queers.

Anyway it’s completely stupid, teachers aren’t going to talk about their sex lives to your sprogs, America, they don’t want to be laughed at by pre-teens. You’re just making shit up again.

I’ve been trying to get myself back into blogging. Every time I look up the subject now I get a bunch of advertising that leads me to websites with more advertising and it’s all about being “more productive” and “monetizing” and it’s all very sickening. I stopped thinking making money with a website would be a good idea a long time ago, but I can’t even seem to recover the sense of fun that just writing used to bring. What did I used to do it for? I’m not even sure now. Politics is bad, children, it’s a sewer, full of diseased thinking. All that “snark” as we used to call it and we’re still seeing middle-class, small-minded, fearful people whining about anyone “different” from the Christian Barbie dolls they think everyone should be. It was all for nothing.

Maybe I’ll read books again too. Anything is possible!

Coda: after I clicked on “publish” this showed up at the bottom of the posting controls (whatever you call it) sidebar. My god shut up and leave me alone: